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You can have absolute trust in our website. We only show models and items we have in stock. We also list some items as Pre Order which means they are on the way from Japan and you can reserve one before they arrive and sell out.

No quibbles service!
Buy Scale Models Online, Cars, Motorcycles, Planes, Military,
Boats & More
We have over 1200 different scale model car , model motorbike , model boat, model planes, military models, model diorama sets , movie models and model truck kits for you to choose from. All are fully authentic, extremely detailed and match the real life vehicles.
Our team search around the world to find model car and model bike kits so that we are able to offer some of the rarest and most highly sought after models to build at home or just collect as part of your hobby.
A range of accessories and tuning parts to customise your kit as well as the glue, paint and tools to assemble it are all in stock – as the official importer and distributor of Aoshima and Fujimi model brand kits as well as UK dealers for Mr Hobby, Tamiya, Italeri and other well known brands you can have absolute trust in our website, service and products on sale.
Check our main menu to search and find your next build and remember to visit our tools, glue and paint section for all you need to build your kit.
Looking to save money? Visit our offers and codes page before you order here!