This unique and rare model is from the Japanese TV series of the late 60’s Ultraseven, this highly modified patrol car was used by the Ultra Guard of the Terrestrial Defense Force (TDF) to combat extraterrestrial threats. Its special modifications were:
Smokescreen Device: Pointer can release smoke in order to escape from enemies. Small Jet Engine: These enable the car to fly through the air. Light Wave Barrier System: An energy barrier used to evade attacks. Ultra Missile: Three twin missile launchers two are mounted on the rear portion of the vehicle body. Perspective Ray Light: Attached to the front portion of the vehicle body. Smoke injection device is also equipped on the side side. Hover System: Used with the jet engine to fly, the system that allows the car to hover. Can also fly for a short time and even on water. Special Rubber Tires: Specialised tyres which made of durable rubbers that are hard to be punctured. Ray Gun: Equipped onto the front grill of the car.